Disaster Psychiatry

Routledge eBooks(2020)

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Foreword Introduction I. September 11, 2001 1. A Woman Named Katherine 2. Life at the Pile 3. The Other Ground Zero 4. September 11 in the ER: Brief Disaster Intervention and Compassion Stress II. Disaster Psychiatrists in Training 5. Defining the Psychiatrist's Role with Heroes and Tragedies 6. You Are Alive: Hope and Help After Septemner 11, 2001 7. Professional and Personal Reactions to September 11, 2001 III. International Perspectives 8. Outreach in Australian Disasters 9. Disaster Pschiatry Throughout the Americas 10. All They Can Do Is Kill Me: Psychiatry in the Gaza Strip 11. The Acute Aftermath of an Earthquake in El Salvador 12. Earthquake in Gujarat, India: The Influence of Culture and Resources on Coping with a Natural Disaster 13. Occupational Psychiatry, Community Psychiatry, and Cultural Considerations in an Aviation Disaster 14. Becoming a Disaster Psychiatrist in Turkey IV: Child and Adolescent Disaster Psychiatry 15. Awakening Creativity in the Wake of Disaster: A Psychiatrist's Journey with the People of El Salvador 16. The World Trace Center Disaster and the Setting Up of Kid's COrner 17. Working with Fatherless Children After September 11, 2001 V. Other U.S. Disaters 18. Debriefings in Kansas and Oklahome 19. Upheaval of the Stars: From Happy Land to the World Trade Center 20. Vietnam and the World Trade Center: One Psychiatrist's View of Defining Disaster and Working with Its Victims
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