Las pymes y la banca privada: efectos pospandémicos

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)(2020)

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This article analyzes the relationship between the economic mechanisms of banking such as loans, interest rates, policies, commercial approaches and the economic scenario in which SMEs must operate during the development of the contingency triggered by COVID -19, through the study of official information, economic theories and commercial positions of the entities that serve as the main affected by the current economic situation. As part of the results obtainedfrom this research, the movement that the Mexican economy has had in the first quarter of 2020 can be seen, as well as the numerical appreciations regarding the pandemic. As a contribution of the work, the panorama in which the business sector is exposed is proposed, as well as the base on which the employer must participate and build, the first step in the government plan so that the impact on the economy can be mitigated.
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