Characteristic chromanone acids from Calophyllum membranaceum: Determination of C-3 configuration and anti-inflammatory activity


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One undescribed homologous furanochromanone (1) featuring a 6/6/5/3 tetracyclic skeleton and four highly oxidized pyranochromanones (2-5), along with a set of four pyranochromanone stereoisomers [(+/-)-6a and (+/-)-6b], were isolated from the leaves of Calophyllum membranaceum Gardn. Et Champ. Their structures were elucidated by using spectroscopic data, Snatzke's method, quantum-chemical calculations, and X-ray crystallo-graphic analysis. The correlation of characteristic Cotton effects and specific chemical shifts with C-3 configu-ration provided a convenient approach to assign the C-3 configuration of 2,3-dimethylchromanones. The stereochemical assignments of 3-OH substituted pyranochromanones by quantum-based NMR methods following single/double MTPA derivatization were consistent with the ECD/NMR prediction, which verified the feasibility and reliability of the proposed empirical rule. The underlying mechanism was further clarified by conformational and molecular orbital analyses. Moreover, biological evaluation and binding assays demonstrated that compound 3 (KD = 0.45 mu M) tightly binds to the TLR4-MD2 target, thereby inhibiting the TLR4/MyD88-dependent and-independent signal pathways. This study provides the first evidence that Calophyllum chromanones are a novel structural type of TLR4 inhibitors, exerting their anti-inflammatory effects by disrupting the binding between TLR4 and MD2.
Calophyllum membranaceum Gardn. et champ.,Chromanone acid,Configuration determination,Empirical rule,Anti-inflammatory
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