Students' perceptions regarding sperm donation: dilemmas reflections with dominant demographic effect.


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Sperm donation has evolved dramatically over the last decades. Medically, genetic technologies development opened novel horizons for donors', recipients' and offspring' genetic evaluation and diagnosis; Socially, shifting towards healthy patients' population rather the infertile male changed the focus of medical treatment; Offspring right to know their biological father have emerged as a fundamental issue requiring adaptations. The aims of the current research were to investigate students' perceptions towards sperm donation (SD) and possible impact of demographic characteristics on these attitudes The study included 254 students who fulfilled anonymous digital questionnaire during January-February 2021. Questionnaire included 35 questions divided to three sections: demographic data, evaluation of previous knowledge; and research's main section composed of 20 perceptions rated on 1-5 Likert scale. This part was divided to three components: general perceptions composed of positive and negative stigma related to SD; sperm banks' roles and activities; identity disclosure vs. anonymity of sperm donors and offspring. Previous participants' knowledge was relatively low (mean 31.2±19 of 100). Positive and negative stigmas' scores were 1.3-2.2. Students' agreement with sperm bank (SB) medical position was high (mean 3.8) with contradicting grade of 1.8 as a commercial company (p<0.001). Participants ranked "Donors' anonymity preservation is crucial to maintain sperm donation” with a mean of 3.7. Seeking for anonymous SD identity both by recipients and offspring was ranked with low means (1.5 and 1.7, respectively) while pursuing half siblings by mothers or siblings themselves were graded as high as 2.7-3. Women stigmas ranking was significantly lower while men emphasized donor's anonymity. Participants with previous acquaintance yielded significant lower scores of general stigmas. SD is regarded as a complex issue involving medical and social aspects. SB have medical rather than commercial authority. Donor's anonymity is accepted as mandatory and superior to recipients and offspring's request for disclosure. Demographic parameters have strong and precise impacts on participants' perceptions.
sperm donation,students,perceptions
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