A database for buffalo meat traceability in india

Girish Patil Shivanagowda,Ramakrishna Chitimalla,Nagappa Karabasanavar, Arup Ratan Sen


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Farm-to-fork traceability has emerged as benchmark for meat quality assurance in the International meat market. India is the largest exporter of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) meat in the world; nevertheless, need for indigenous traceability system based quality assurance protocols to enable exports to the developed countries has been increasingly emphasized. To address this gap, a complete protocol for achieving traceability was conceptualized and a traceability database (www.livestocktraceindia. in) was developed to support the Indian buffalo meat sector. Traceability model and the database established was field tested. This article provides brief information of the traceability framework and the mode of its operation. The traceability database encompasses enrolment of animals, farms and abattoirs. Animal identification was achieved using ear tags with Internationally accepted identification numbers. Premises including farms and abattoirs were identified using unique pin code based system. Provision was given to end user to retrieve information and trace back the origin of meat using the database's retrieval system. Database and traceability protocols developed can help promote livestock sector, meat traceability and meat export in India. The database can act as model for establishment of traceability system in other countries producing and exporting the buffalo meat.
Bubalus bubalis, buffaloes, traceability, meat, India, database
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