Energetic Electrons Near Europa From Juno JEDI Data

C. Paranicas,B. H. Mauk, G. Clark, P. Kollmann, J. Westlake, K. Hibbitts,T. Nordheim, K. Hand, M. Brennan, J. E. P. Connerney, S. Bolton


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Optical remote sensing observations have suggested that the top layer of Europa's icy surface is heavily affected by external weathering agents. To model and understand these effects, it is necessary to characterize the environment as fully as possible. In this paper, we focus on one agent in the environment (energetic electrons). We show Juno electron data from its 2022 Europa flyby and other time periods. While the Juno sensor used here (Jupiter Energetic Particle Detector Instrument) was not designed to obtain high quality electron data in an intense radiation environment, it is possible to extract information such as how Europa blocks energetic particles from accessing some of the surrounding space. The decrease in charged particle flux in Europa's wake provides an upper limit on the precipitation fluxes of the same particles. We also report that electron pitch angle distributions near Europa for the single energy channel considered here are time variable and not isotropic. We present energetic electron data obtained when the Juno spacecraft crossed the plasma wake of the moon Europa in 2022. A major goal of this work is to estimate the amount of blockage of MeV electrons near the moon to inform radiation estimates for future Europa orbiters and landers. While the Jupiter Energetic Particle Detector Instrument does not directly detect particles between 1 and 20 MeV, using knowledge gained since the instrument began obtaining data we were able to estimate that about 80% of the particles in question are blocked by Europa in its wake at low altitude. Research on the weathering of Europa's surface by electrons is also discussed. Jupiter Energetic Particle Detector Instrument electron data relevant to Europa are presentedWe estimate Europa's blockage causes an similar to 80% reduction of similar to 1-20 MeV electrons in the immediate plasma wakePitch angle distributions are computed from 70 keV electron data and show time variability
electron weathering,energy spectra,Europa,albedo,magnetosphere,radiation
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