Silicon supplementation improves yield and silicon uptake in maize at eastern Ganges delta coastal soils


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Silicon (Si) is a beneficial plant nutrient with the potential to make plants tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses; however, it's effect on improve yield and Si uptake in maize at Ganges delta coastal zone soils has not been investigated. The purpose of the study was to find out the contribution of Si to improve maize yield and Si uptake especially under nutrient deficit conditions. A field experiment was conducted in dry season of 2021 and 2022 using a popular maize variety Don-111. The experiment was laid out in two factors randomized complete block design having two levels of Si (0 and 20 kg Si ha-1 rate as sodium metasilicate), and four levels of NPK fertilizers (40%, 60%, 80% and 100%). The 100% NPK indicates 225:60:80 kg ha-1 N:P:K, respectively. In 2021 the 20 kg Si ha-1 rate with 40%, 60%, 80, and 100% NPK rate recorded grain yield of 7.52, 8.73, 9.95 and 11.16 t ha-1, respectively which was 17.9%, 15.0%, 8.6%, and 7.8% higher, and in 2022 the grain yield of 6.31, 7.82, 8.83 and 9.62 t ha-1, which was 28.0%, 16.4%, 16.3%, and 6.3%, respectively, higher than the respective control treatment. All other growth, yield and yield contributing characters, and Si content in plant was improved by Si application, however, the maximum cases rate of increment was higher in lower rates of NPK fertilizers. Silicon application is therefore recommended for the improvement of maize growth and yield at the eastern Ganges delta coastal plains.
Grain yield,maize,NPK fertilizers,silicon uptake,silicon use efficiency
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