High-quality parallel entangling gates in long mixed-species ion chains

Lin Cheng,Sheng-Chen Liu, Gui-Zhong Yao, Ying-Xiang Wang,Liang-You Peng,Qihuang Gong


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A universal quantum computer is an ultimate pursuit, which should possess the ability to perform entangling gate operations in parallel with high quality in a scalable fashion. However, for a long trapped-ion chain, the simultaneous implementation of two-qubit quantum gates is a challenging task due to the drastic increase of the crosstalk resulting from the collective motional modes. In this paper, by utilizing the structure of the localized motional modes in the long mixed-species ion chain, we propose a highly efficient linear iterative scheme to eliminate the crosstalk within the neighboring pairs. We show that this scheme allows the realization of highfidelity, low-crosstalk, scalable, parallel two-qubit gates with only a few pulse segments for the long chain. In addition, by considering the practical experimental feasibility, we optimize the laser power and improve the robustness against the random static drifts of the motional frequencies.
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