Variety of ovarian cysts detection and classification using 2D Convolutional Neural Network


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Most women, in general, have an ovarian cyst, which causes a variety of disorders. Cervical cysts occur when multiple cysts appear in or on top of the uterus. This is especially true for women who have a good reason for having a baby. Related to menstrual problems and cyst problems in women during pregnancy. Ultrasound imaging techniques are used to detect ovarian cysts. Doctors have many difficulties identifying these types of tumors that are not clearly visible from ultrasound images and what type of ovarian cyst they are To make these problems more useful to the doctors, the system of automatic detection of various cyst type has been implemented. The cyst detection and classification method are implemented using the features extracted from the ultrasound image. Automated detection methods and various ovarian cyst classification are implemented using a 2D Convolutional Neural network, and the proposed prediction model has yielded 99.37% accurate results.
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Ultrasound image,Ovarian cyst,2D Convolutional Neural Network
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