Hardware and Software Implementation of the Embedded Controlling System for the TuMag Camera


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The main objective of this paper is to present the design and implementation of an embedded controlling system for the Tunable Magnetograph (TuMag) instrument camera sensor and test-bench software application for camera laboratory characterization. The TuMag camera is based on a new scientific sensor GPIXEL SENSE400 device family equipped with an FPGA. The camera sensor has an active area of 2048 x 2048 pixels and reaches a frame rate of up to 48 frames per second. The embedded controlling system was implemented on an Artix 7 FPGA, which oversees controlling the image sensor through a configuration interface. It controls the read-out of the sensor data and the communication of commands with the host device. The camera has a standard CoaXPress communication interface of up to 3125 Gbps. The FPGA embedded control system allows bit, word, and serial channel calibration and the modification of several parameters, such as the region of interest (RoI) size, exposition time, hardware or software trigger, single or continuous acquisition modes, sensor gain, and adjustment of the black level offset and exposition time. In addition, the firmware has a temperature controller, voltage level monitoring, and an enable-disable power sensor. In addition, the test-bench software application is a library developed in Python 3.7. It is a wrapper for the standard GeniCan commercial frame grabber interpreter. This wrapper permits the improvement of the interaction and interface between the user and the hardware in the camera calibration. The test-bench software application permits the reduction of costs and the transport risk of the TuMag camera between different laboratories. All TuMag embedded control systems and test-bench software application functionalities were successfully tested according to scientific requirements.
embedded controlling system,camera,software implementation
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