Exploring the meta-transitions of first level elite athletes in the Chinese Whole Nation System: A polyphonic reflective tale


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We aim to advance athlete career scholarship using meta-transitions within the Chinese Whole Nation System (CWNS). The intentions are to: (a) provide in-depth understandings of Chinese elite athletes' careers through shared dialog, (b) transform knowledge and support prospective athletes, and (c) contribute to the advancement of the CWNS by exploring its impact on elite athletes' career development and transitions. A polyphonic reflective tale is introduced to extend reflective practice through amalgamating group reflections and represent our cultural reflections as former elite athletes. Group reflections were applied as a data collection method and a learning tool to increase self-awareness and understanding of our athletic careers. Our polyphonic reflective tale revealed barriers, resources, and thoughts through seven meta-transition vignettes, each a small turn relating to athletic and personal development, beginning with incipiency into elite table tennis (first level career) and spanning transitions into our post-sport careers: (a) the first level aspiration, (b) transition to the first level, (c) acclimation to the first level, (d) first level developments/improvements, (e) the first level trajectory, (f) post-first level career explorations, and (g) post-first level career developments. The polyphonic reflective tale is discussed as a career assistance strategy to support athletes' careers. Comprehending how athletes' meta-transitions can be facilitated within their sports environments will support athletes' athletic and personal development. Our authors shared their personal experiences and reflections of their first level meta-transitions within the CWNS. The results emphasize the necessity of developing context-driven interventions during stages of athletes' meta-transitions throughout their careers. Explorations of athletes' meta-transitions provides contextually relevant knowledge unique to athletes' sports and national sports system that can inform career assistance programs.Culturally situated reflective practice uses athletes' experiences as resources to inform career assistance interventions unique to their athletic and personal development, enhancing their capacities to function and contribute to their sports system.The polyphonic reflective tale offers a qualitative research method and an applied strategy to examine athletes' meta-transitions within their social and sport contexts.
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