Proposal and validity of a scale of teamwork’s internal dynamics in indigenous women

Patricia Elizabeth Cossío-Torres,Xiomara Sarahí Sanjuan-Meza, Aida Ortega-Velázquez, Frida Hosana Aguilera-Díaz de León

Revista Culturas Jurídicas(2022)

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Teamwork can be understood a process where the members are recognised as a unit, that shows interdependence but works together for a common objective; this practice is relevant to achieve the progress and develop, especially in vulnerable groups. The aim of the study was to evaluate the validity and reliability from the scores obtained of an instrument with three components of internal dynamics in Teamwork (Task Interdependence, Group Potency and Psychological Safety) in indigenous women of Mexico. The sample consisted of 96 participants. Internal consistency was evaluated by using the Cronbach alpha coefficient, the internal structure was determined by using the principal component factorial analysis with Varimax rotation. The scores on each of the subscales showed an acceptable degree of internal consistency (αinter=.712, αgroup=.701, αacceptance=.716 y αsupport=.682). The factor analysis showed that in two of the three sections (Task Interdependence and Group Potency) the items loaded to a component that explained 47.12% and 44.99% of the variance, respectively. In psychological safety, the items were grouped into two components, explaining 60.54 % of the total variance. The version of a scale of Teamwork proposed in this work is a valid and reliable version that could be useful for the evaluation of teamwork in indigenous women.
indigenous women
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