Authors of child/adolescent sexual assault: risk factors and the bioecological model of human development

Viviam da Silva Silveira,Daniela Castro dos Reis,Lília Iêda Chaves Cavalcante, Jhuliane Karine Costa de Souza


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The study sought to identify and discuss risk factors based on the Bioecological Model of Human Development in the lives of Authors of Sexual Assault on Children and Adolescents. The research has a descriptive, exploratory character and involves a case study with five male participants, aged between 19 and 58 years (M=30.8), whose cases were processed in the Courts of Crimes against Children and Adolescents. A Questionnaire was used for characterization and a semi-structured interview script, carried out in a Prison Unit in Parauapebas - PA. The content analysis of the interview transcripts was carried out, considering pre-existing categories in the literature. Risk factors were identified in the five cases studied, such as cognitive distortion, physical violence, drugs/alcoholism, lack of sexual orientation, social prejudice, informal work/mining activity, child labor, number of children and recombined families, involvement in fights, never having studied, judicial sentence and perspective regarding their future life. The data corroborate the findings in the literature that signaled a diversity of risk factors present in the lives of the participants.
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child/adolescent sexual assault,human development
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