BASIL: A toolbox for perfusion quantification using arterial spin labelling

Imaging Neuroscience(2023)

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Abstract Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL) MRI is now an established non-invasive method to quantify cerebral blood flow and is increasingly being used in a variety of neuroimaging applications. With standard ASL acquisition protocols widely available, there is a growing interest in advanced options that offer added quantitative precision and information about haemodynamics beyond perfusion. In this article, we introduce the BASIL toolbox, a research tool for the analysis of ASL data included within the FMRIB Software Library (FSL), and explain its operation in a variety of typical use cases. BASIL is not offered as a clinical tool, and nor is this work intended to guide the clinical application of ASL. Built around a Bayesian model-based inference algorithm, the toolbox is designed to quantify perfusion and other haemodynamic measures, such as arterial transit times, from a variety of possible ASL input data, particularly exploiting the information available in more advanced multi-delay acquisitions. At its simplest, the BASIL toolbox offers a graphical user interface that provides the analysis options needed by most users; through command line tools, it offers more bespoke options for users needing customised analyses. As part of FSL, the toolbox exploits a range of complementary neuroimaging analysis tools so that ASL data can be easily integrated into neuroimaging studies and used alongside other modalities.
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