Quantification of skin wound tension using a newly designed wound tensiometer

Felix Lackmann,Thomas Rohwedder, Anita Maron, Ludo Stegen, Mathias Brunnberg,Leo Brunnberg, Michael Burger,Peter Boettcher


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Objective To (i) quantitatively measure wound tension in experimental skin wounds using a newly developed wound tensiometer and (ii) establish reference values for primary skin wound closure in medium- and large-breed dogs.Study design Experimental cadaveric study.Animal population Nineteen dogs of medium to large breeds (BW 20 to 40 kg).Methods Elliptical skin wounds of different sizes were created on the chest and abdomen. The wounds were gradually enlarged. Experienced surgeons (ECVS diplomates or professors of small animal surgery) and inexperienced surgeons (1st year after graduation) independently assessed wound tension through manual manipulation and determined whether the wound could be closed without tension-relieving measures. In addition, wound tension was objectively quantified using a newly developed wound tensiometer.Results The upper threshold for wound tension at which direct appositional wound closure was recommended by the experienced surgeons was 5.4 N, and the median minimal tension without recommendations for closure was 6.0 N. The data also demonstrate that wound tension and wound size do not necessarily correlate, and inexperienced surgeons need to develop a feel for wound tension.Conclusion The intraoperative use of the wound tensiometer, in combination with established cut-off values, might facilitate decision-making regarding primary wound closure.Clinical relevance The findings of this study provide evidence for the applicability of a wound tensiometer in guiding inexperienced surgeons in their choice of the skin wound closure method.
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Key words
Wound tension,skin tension,wound assessment,wound healing,Wundspannung,Hautspannung,Wundbeurteilung,Wundheilung
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