Impaired Glymphatic and Meningeal Lymphatic Functions in Patients with Chronic Migraine


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Objective: This study was undertaken to investigate migraine glymphatic and meningeal lymphatic vessel (mLV) functions. Methods: Migraine patients and healthy controls (HCs) were prospectively recruited between 2020 and 2023. Diffusion tensor image analysis along the perivascular space (DTI -ALPS) index for glymphatics and dynamic contrast -enhanced magnetic resonance imaging parameters (time to peak [TTP]/enhancement integral [EI]/mean time to enhance [MTE]) for para-superior sagittal (paraSSS)-mLV or paratransverse sinus (paraTS)-mLV in episodic migraine (EM), chronic migraine (CM), and CM with and without medication -overuse headache (MOH) were analyzed. DTI -ALPS correlations with clinical parameters (migraine severity [numeric rating scale]/disability [Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS)]/ bodily pain [Widespread Pain Index]/sleep quality [Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)]) were examined. Results: In total, 175 subjects (112 migraine + 63 HCs) were investigated. DTI -ALPS values were lower in CM (median [interquartile range] = 0.64 [0.12]) than in EM (0.71 [0.13], p = 0.005) and HCs (0.71 [0.09], p = 0.004). CM with MOH (0.63 [0.07]) had lower DTI -ALPS values than CM without MOH (0.73 [0.12], p < 0.001). Furthermore, CM had longer TTP (paraSSS-mLV: 55.8 [12.9] vs 40.0 [7.6], p < 0.001; paraTS-mLV: 51.2 [8.1] vs 44.0 [3.3], p = 0.002), EI (paraSSS-mLV: 45.5 [42.0] vs 16.1 [9.2], p < 0.001), and MTE (paraSSS-mLV: 253.7 [6.7] vs 248.4 [13.8], p < 0.001; paraTS-mLV: 252.0 [6.2] vs 249.7 [1.2], p < 0.001) than EM patients. The MIDAS (p = 0.002) and PSQI (p = 0.002) were negatively correlated with DTI -ALPS index after Bonferroni corrections (p < q = 0.01). Interpretation: CM patients, particularly those with MOH, have glymphatic and meningeal lymphatic dysfunctions, which are highly clinically relevant and may implicate pathogenesis for migraine chronification.
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