
Takayuki Ezaki, Y. Kawamura

Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria(2015)

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A.bi.o.tro'phi.a. Gr. pref. a ‐, negative (un‐); Gr. n. bios life; Gr. n. trophe nutrition; N.L. fem. n. Abiotrophia life‐nutrition‐deficiency. Firmicutes / “Bacilli” / “Lactobacillales” / “Aerococcaceae” / Abiotrophia Cells are mainly cocci, but pleomorphic ovoid cells, coccobacilli, and rod‐shaped cells may occur. Pyridoxal hydrochloride ( 0.001 %) or L ‐cysteine ( 0.01 %) required for growth on blood agar . Nonsporeforming. Nonmotile. Gram‐positive. Facultative anaerobes. Catalase‐ and oxidase‐negative. Lactic acid is the major end product of glucose fermentation. Gas is not produced from glucose. Growth does not occur at 10 and 45°C or in the presence of 6.5% NaCl. Alpha‐hemolytic on supplemented sheep blood agar. Pyrrolidonyl arylamidase and leucine arylamidase are positive. Hippurate is not hydrolyzed. Arginine dihydrolase is negative . Resistant to optochin and susceptible to vancomycin. The organisms have been isolated from human clinical specimens, such as blood with sepsis (Bouvet et al., 1989; Carey et al., 1975) and endocarditis (Bouvet, 1995; Bouvet et al., 1980, 1981). DNA G + C content ( mol %): 46.0–46.6. Type species : Abiotrophia defectiva (Bouvet, Grimonet and Grimont 1989) Kawamura, Hou, Sultana, Liu, Yamamoto and Ezaki 1995, 802 ( Streptococcus defectives Bouvet, Grimonet and Grimont 1989, 290.)
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