On the distribution of the Brazilian porcupine Coendou prehensilis (Erethizontidae) in Colombia


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Abstract The Brazilian porcupine Coendou prehensilis is distributed from northwestern South America to northeastern Paraguay and northwestern Argentina. In Colombia, it is present mainly in the Caribbean, the eastern Llanos and the Andean regions, which correspond to six of the biogeographical provinces of the country. Its presence in the Colombian Amazon region has been suggested based on records from neighboring countries such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Brazil. However, no voucher specimens or additional evidence that corroborates the presence of the species in that region of Colombia is known. Based on the review of specimens deposited in Colombian collections, analyses of photographic records, and the literature, the presence of the species in the Colombian Amazon is confirmed, and its distribution in the country updated. Overall, we found 36 records of C. prehensilis in Colombia, of which seven correspond to the Colombian Amazon (four photographic records and three specimens). A genetic analysis based on cytochrome-b suggests that this species is genetically uniform throughout its distributional range. These new records make C. prehensilis the most widespread species of the genus among natural regions and biogeographic provinces of Colombia. Other species are restricted to one or two provinces.
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Key words
erethizontidae,brazilian porcupine,colombia
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