Exploração Autônoma com Múltiplos Robôs Baseada em Fronteiras e Planejamento RRT*

Procedings do XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Automatica(2022)

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The risks in exploring unknown environments have attracted interest in using mobile robots. In addition, the coordinated and cooperative use of multiple robots to perform these tasks can provide better efficiency in exploration. In this context, this work presents the development of an exploration system with multiple robots for mapping, using a boundary selection method based on the exchange of information among robots. In addition, a planner based on the rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT*) determines the path to the chosen frontier point, carrying out replanning if necessary during the route, always aiming to go to strategic frontier points and avoiding obstacles that may appear along the way. Simulated experiments are presented comparing the use of only one robot for exploration to the use of more than one.
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