I. Medical and Dental Student Skills Development Competition. SkillsRace: Abstract Book

Csaba Hegedüs,Norbert Németh, Tamas Molnar F.,Márta Radnai, Krisztina Márton, Daniel Erces,Péter Maróti,Ákos Nagy, Tamás Nagy,Szilárd Rendeki, Zalán Szántó

University of Pécs Medical School eBooks(2023)

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Dear participants, Dear guests, We welcome you to Pécs, to the Scientific Section of the I. SkillRace Competition. For the first time, we are organizing this competition in close cooperation with the Medical Skill Development and Innovation Centre of the University of Pécs, the University of Debrecen, the University of Szeged and the Semmelweis University, in order to present the scientific section of the competition. We are honoured to host around 150 colleagues from four universities across the country. An important initiator for the development of skill laboratories at national level has been the fact that in the training of physicians and dentists in Hungary, the methodological issues of teaching methodology and teaching technology have been the subject of scientific achievements that can be measured at international level. We believe that such events can play a key role in deepening cooperation in this area and can be an important tool in the process of joining forces to enable future generations of doctors to develop the highest level of manual skills. One of the main objectives of our meeting is to bring together the professionals - teachers, students, researchers - who work in these facilities on a daily basis and to help build and strengthen collaborations at national level. The openness, the search for innovation and the educational and research values of each university are all factors that give impetus to this sector, which is moving towards multidisciplinarity and requires serious, coordinated teamwork. The sharing of creativity and learning from each other and from more experienced researchers and mentors is essential for the development of our students and the development of their professional competences. We believe that not only the faculty and students of the university, but also the entire innovative and enthusiastic health simulation professional community will benefit from the presentations and professional discussions at the event. We hope that everyone will find some interesting new information, useful lessons or fruitful contacts to take home and continue their professional activities in the service of science and education. We wish you a pleasant stay in Pécs! Sincerely, The Founders Szilard Rendeki, University of Pécs, Hungary Peter Maroti, University of Pécs, Hungary
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