First CINP Research Fellowship for Early Careers: Bridging Scientific Goals and Professional Networking

Michaela Krivosova, Licia Vellucci,Daniele Cavaleri, Luís Afonso Fernandes, Edison Leung,Gabriella Gobbi,Anthony A. Grace,Kazutaka Ikeda, María A. Oquendo,Eric Vermetten,Joseph Zohar,Asilay Şeker

International Journal of Psychiatric Trainees(2023)

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Participating in scientific conferences and professional networking support productivity in research. However, there are barriers for early career scientists to benefit from these activities. In 2023, the International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) Committee for Early Careers organised the first edition of the CINP Research Fellowship for Early Careers to support international collaboration of junior neuroscientists and facilitate in-person exchange between early career and senior investigators. The programme included online and in-person sessions, the latter during the 34th CINP World Congress in Montreal. Selected fellows had the opportunity to learn and make round-table discussions with renowned scientists, including Professors Paola Dazzan, Alan Frazer, Gabriella Gobbi, Anthony Grace, Oliver Howes, Kazutaka Ikeda, Kazuyuki Nakagome, Maria Oquendo, Dan Rujescu, Eric Vermetten, and Joseph Zohar, enabling early career researchers to understand each mentor’s main scientific trajectory and research methodology. The underpinning aim to support the global networking of early career researchers was achieved through the programme, as evidenced by the ensuing collaborative projects.
first cinp research fellowship,professional networking,early careers,scientific goals
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