Notes on school/educational psychologist training: a systematic review 2009-2019

José Alves de Souza Filho,Tadeu Lucas de Lavor Filho, Andrezza Araújo Queiroz, Thaís da Silva Araujo, Luisa Carolina Holanda Pereira, Erica Átem Gonçalves de Araújo Costa,Luciana Lobo Miranda,João Paulo Pereira Barros

Psicologia Escolar e Educacional(2023)

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ABSTRACT This article aims to analyze scientific articles about School and Educational Psychology, specifically related to the training of psychologists. We carried out a systematic review of articles (2009-2019), using the Portal Periódicos CAPES platform, using the descriptors “school psychology AND psychologist training” and “educational psychology AND psychologist training”. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria and identifying repeated articles, we proceeded with the selection by reading the publications, resulting in a total of 26 articles, mostly published in the Revista de Psicologia Escolar e Educational. In the discussions, we identified the use of traditional practices, clinical instruments and clinical practices as a questioning point related to forms of stigmatization and the absence of theoretical references specific to School Psychology. As for training in the area, questions emerge about initial and continuing training, little curricular space for School Psychology and Historical-Cultural Psychology as a methodological alternative for action.
school/educational psychologist training,systematic review
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