Budaya Pelaporan Insiden Keselamatan Pasien Terintegrasi Melalui SIMRS

Kristina Ana,Krisna Yetti, Ade Suhendri, Anik Maryunani

Journal of Telenursing (Joting)(2023)

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This study aims to identify problems reporting patient safety incidents, conduct analysis, develop action plans, implement innovations in the management of integrated patient safety incident reporting culture through the Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS), and conduct evaluations. The research method used is a case report with the ADDIE approach to managing an integrated patient safety incident reporting culture through the Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS). The results showed that the culture of reporting patient safety incidents has not been optimal, incident reporting needs to be integrated through SIMRS, and there are no guidelines and standard operating procedures (SPO) for reporting patient safety incidents through SIMRS. In conclusion, incident reporting is influenced by various factors, namely human factors (not all safety incidents are reported, do not know how to report patient safety incidents using SIMRS), material (work instructions already exist (manual reporting flow SPO, reporting SPO, and writing through the Home Management Information System Hospital (SIMRS) does not yet exist) method (Integrated incident reporting flow with SIMRS does not yet exist), and machine (Reporting application through the Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) does not yet exist). Keywords: Reporting Culture, Innovation, Patient Safety Incidents, Information SystemsHospital management
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