Nanoemulsion formulations with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for sustainable agriculture

Elsevier eBooks(2022)

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In recent years, the novel use of synthetic pesticides for agricultural applications has risen dramatically due to the limitations of conventional agricultural technology. In addition, consumer concerns have also increased due to these pesticides’ plant, soil, and environmental toxicity. Innovative processes are urgently required to overcome such concerns. Among various known systems, the use of natural microbial-based biofertilizers, principally plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), is a suitable candidate for resolving this ongoing concern. Moreover, PGPR can improve plant protectivity and productivity through such direct and indirect mechanisms as growth hormone synthesis, siderophore formation, mineral solubilization and the induction of systemic resistance. In addition, they can increase crop yield through their synergistic and antagonistic potential in the region of the rhizosphere and bulk soil. However, some shortcomings and drawbacks, including limited diffusion, target delivery, and permeability, reduce the performance potential of PGPR. PGPR have been improved by use of nanotechnology-based delivery systems. Nanotechnology is currently being employed as a continuous and constant agricultural delivery system based on its smart formulation strategy and perceived environmental and human health benefits. Of the various delivery systems, this study focuses on the nanoemulsion-based system of delivery that can enhance agricultural practices and food production due to its improved delivery, enhanced solubility, better bioavailability, controlled release, and stability, making PGPR more effective. In addition, nanoemulsion has a lower production cost and simpler process complexity than other delivery systems and is the most suitable carrier for a large-scale system. Finally, this chapter concentrates on potential nanoemulsion applications in PGPR formulation for improved environmental and agricultural sustainability. This approach can satisfy our future food needs all over the world.
rhizobacteria,sustainable agriculture,formulations,plant growth
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