Unified Quantum State Tomography and Hamiltonian Learning Using Transformer Models: A Language-Translation-Like Approach for Quantum Systems

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Schr\"odinger's equation serves as a fundamental component in characterizing quantum systems, wherein both quantum state tomography and Hamiltonian learning are instrumental in comprehending and interpreting quantum systems. While numerous techniques exist for carrying out state tomography and learning Hamiltonians individually, no method has been developed to combine these two aspects. In this study, we introduce a new approach that employs the attention mechanism in transformer models to effectively merge quantum state tomography and Hamiltonian learning. By carefully choosing and preparing the training data, our method integrates both tasks without altering the model's architecture, allowing the model to effectively learn the intricate relationships between quantum states and Hamiltonian. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach across various quantum systems, ranging from simple 2-qubit cases to more involved 2D antiferromagnetic Heisenberg structures. The data collection process is streamlined, as it only necessitates a one-way generation process beginning with state tomography. Furthermore, the scalability and few-shot learning capabilities of our method could potentially minimize the resources required for characterizing and optimizing quantum systems. Our research provides valuable insights into the relationship between Hamiltonian structure and quantum system behavior, fostering opportunities for additional studies on quantum systems and the advancement of quantum computation and associated technologies.
quantum systems,hamiltonian learning,transformer models,tomography,language-translation-like
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