Evaluation of Transmembrane Protein Structural Models Using HPMScore


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Transmembrane proteins (TMPs) are a class of essential proteins for biological and therapeutic purposes. Despite an increasing number of structures, the gap with the number of available sequences remains impressive. The choice of a dedicated function to select the most probable/relevant model among hundreds is a specific problem of TMPs. Indeed, the majority of approaches are mostly focused on globular proteins. We developed an alternative methodology to evaluate the quality of TMP structural models. HPMScore took into account sequence and local structural information using the unsupervised learning approach called hybrid protein model. The methodology was extensively evaluated on very different TMP all-α proteins. Structural models with different qualities were generated, from good to bad quality. HPMScore performed better than DOPE in recognizing good comparative models over more degenerated models, with a Top 1 of 46.9% against DOPE 40.1%, both giving the same result in 13.0%. When the alignments used are higher than 35%, HPM is the best for 52%, against 36% for DOPE (12% for both). These encouraging results need further improvement particularly when the sequence identity falls below 35%. An area of enhancement would be to train on a larger training set. A dedicated web server has been implemented and provided to the scientific community. It can be used with structural models generated from comparative modeling to deep learning approaches.
transmembrane protein structural models
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