Effects of Pair versus Individual Housing on Romanian Simmental x Limousine Crossbreed Calves Behaviour

Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies(2023)

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The aim of the study was to assess the effects of housing method on Romanian Simmental x Limousine (RS x L) crossbred calves behaviour. To investigate these effects 12 RS x L calves were separated from damns within the first hour after birth and were housed either individually (n=6) or in pair (n=3 pairs) on straw bedded pens. The inactive standing, habitat exploring and playing behaviours were recorded on days 15, 30, 45 and 60 after birth. Individually housed calves spent more time (P≤0.016) standing inactive (means ±SEM) 5.16±0.47 bouts / day compared to pair housed calves (3.12±0.57 bouts / day). In gregarious animals, presence of a partner reduces stress and fear due to the social isolation. The pair housed calves spent significantly less time (P≤0.039) to explore the habitat (3.5±0.56 bouts / day) compared to individually housed calves, which resulted in higher frequency of exploration bouts (5.83±0.79 bouts / day). Also, paired calves spent more time (P≤0.001) in social contact, playing with the partner (4.16±0.7 bouts / day) compared with individually housed calves (0.16±0.06 bouts / day). These results indicate that housing calves in pairs generated benefits for calves such as better welfare condition, social opportunities and expression of desired behaviours patterns.
housing method,crossbreed calves,welfare,behaviour
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