Caracterização e identificação dos elementos de pressão da cadeia produtiva do peixe em Dourados/MS

Brazilian Journal of Development(2018)

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The present study aimed to characterize the productive chain of fish farming in the city of Dourados / MS, as well as to identify the pressure elements that fall on it. Interviews were conducted with fish farmers, slaughterhouse, retail trade and consumers. The results showed that although the municipality is considered a pole for national fish farming due to the favorable edaphoclimatic conditions and the necessary structure for the development of the activity, all the links in the production chain involved suffer some type of difficulty that prevents the good performance of the sector . As is the case of fish farmers who complain of the absence of technical assistance, since the refrigerator in turn has difficulties with the shortage of raw material in which it needs to acquire fish from other states to meet its demand, the retail trade has difficulty finding merchandise which meets the local demand in addition to the costs of store maintenance are onerous and finally, consumers report suffering from high prices in the local market contributing to the replacement of fish with other cheaper proteins
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