Effects of a screen-based calming device on agitated behaviors of dementia: a pilot study in a residential care home

SFU Undergraduate Research Symposium Journal(2020)

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Mindful Garden (MG) is a digital platform resembling a flat-screen TV with touchless sensors that react to voice and motion. In this study, 13 residents of a long term care facility aged 74-100 exhibiting Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) were randomly assigned to intervention (n=7) and control (n=6) groups. On days 1-3, the intervention group received usual care plus exposure to MG during morning and evening care, events problematic for residents and staff; controls received usual care only. On day 4, both groups were exposed to MG with verbal cueing. A 26-item checklist was used to record frequency and types of disruptive BPSD exhibited; care duration was recorded in minutes. Trends in the data suggest that MG reduced BPSD and duration of care in the morning, but had minimal or a negative impact in evening care. Verbal cueing enhanced impact and may be necessary for successful implementation.
agitated behaviors,dementia,screen-based
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