Моделювання інноваційного закладу освіти «Багатопрофільний навчально-реабілітаційний центр»: концептуальні засади

Імідж сучасного педагога(2021)

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The article deals with the modeling of an innovative educational institution Multidisciplinary and in the context of the realization of its strategic purposes. The meaning of the terms professional rehabilitation, training apartment, and sports rehabilitation has been clarified. The urgency of creating the organizational structure of the educational institution is substantiated: early intervention department, preschool department, special school, and special classes for children with special educational needs, boarding school, department, inclusive education support center, summer health center, and summer parenting school, a service center with the use of Apartment technology. Mechanisms for the adoption of the European experience of using the Apartment technology have been revealed. It will protect the rights and interests of students with disabilities to live independently and will promote, in the future, their effective involvement in the life of the local community. The technological aspect of creating an innovative educational institution Multidisciplinary Training and Rehabilitation Center is described, considering the requirements of current legislation and in the context of implementing the National Strategy for reforming the system of institutional care and education of children for 2017-2026. The experience of practical implementation of the results of the author's research on this issue is outlined.
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