Beatriz Rebeca Hernández Hernández, Daniela Patricia Santiago Ibáñez,Andrés Enrique Miguel Velasco, Cynthia Cruz Carrasco,Juan Regino Maldonado

Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios(2018)

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Indigenous peoples and local communities have been recognized as social subjects central to the conservation and sustainable development in article 8 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN) Mexico is one of the countries that has between 60 and 70% of the total biodiversity of the planet (Secretariat of the Environment for Sustainable Development, 2018), therefore has a special status in both the conservation of species and ecosystems. The biocultural approach for the conservation and sustainable development around the indigenous peoples is strategic for Mexico. Oaxaca has the most diversity at the national level and also has the largest presence of indigenous peoples. The coexistence with the regional biodiversity has meant that those communities tested, discarded or develop the use of plants, insects and animals as food. There are initiatives in the rural environment inspired by the paradigm of sustainability with innovative proposals in the social, technological, cultural and ecological, environmental laboratories that are known, and are referred to as rural social enterprises in addition are organized around common property and collective forms of production that seek to generate goods and services under the principles of sustainability, ecology and the market for organic and fair (CONACYT, 2012). The rural social enterprise is a strategy at the time of well-structured actions, with the sole purpose of obtaining an expected result of effectively, that is to say the selected process through which it is expected to reach certain future state. In this case, the social enterprises that have an impact on the sustainability are organizations that have the capacity to propose alternative projects in a conscious way to development that is beginning to a greater or lesser extent the promotion, biological diversity, food self-sufficiency, the integration of productive practices, the equity of participation in community processes, the search for fair prices in the market, a spatial equilibrium in order to achieve stability of agro-ecological landscapes, productive balance between use values and exchange values, as well as the ability to participate in community and family decisions. In turn, these modes of thought are configured by the natural environment and the wider world of the community. The communities interact with the natural environment through the knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe is a series of knowledge, techniques, skills, practices and representations present. To safeguard the natural heritage of a country without preserving the cultures that have shaped and sense means reducing nature to a static and distant according to CONACYT (2012); in the same way, it is not possible to protect the cultures, while not to stop the destruction of the natural environment that is based, and which give meaning to their existence, both material and spiritual. To return to the subjective part for the conservation of natural environment incorporates the cultural heritage that is to say, the collective memory of peoples and nations around the world on the basis of the unique ability of mankind to conceive the meaning that is born of the past but also the future; the recognition of this capacity has led to the creation of the important concept of intangible cultural heritage and the political will to safeguard it, which must be understood in the context of a constellation of current ideas, cultural liberty, cultural diversity, shock and dialog of civilizations and indigenous knowledge; challenge of global society the urgency of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage. In this regard, as part of the initiatives in the rural environment inspired by the paradigm of sustainability we put to the Community Center Centeotl A. C, a civilian agency which from 1990 works with Oaxacan communities in the rescue and promotion of sustainable modes for a dignified life, through socio-economic processes lasting, harmonious relations with nature and of equity between men and women, mainly in the cultivation of amaranth (Amaranthus ssp) in the region of the Sierra Sur and Central Valleys of Oaxaca state. In this entity, the amaranth has a high historical significance and is considered to be one of the fields of origin and domestication of crop (Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, SAGARPA, 2015). Hence the importance of developing and applying techniques useful in the study of pre-hispanic plants such as amaranth, for his role as part of the cultural heritage of Mexico, as well as by its relevance to the fitogeograficos studies, ecological and climatological closely associated with human activities of the past as expressed by the Phd in anthropology MucClung de Tapia (2016). For this reason, the present study aims to analyze qualitatively the interaction of the company Centeotl with communities and their contribution in the sustainable management of the cultivation of amaranth, the scope of the investigation corresponds to a descriptive study, the data collection instruments that are used are the interview, observation and review of theories, the connection of these favors the analysis of rural social enterprises as a strategy to achieve sustainable development and the conservation of intangible cultural heritage.
amaranthus spp,amaranto,empresas sociales rurales,de mesoamerica”,cultural
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