Assessment of subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulation of a gas-liquid stirred reactor

Computer-aided chemical engineering(2023)

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The LES-SGS simulations of a three-dimensional multiphase flow in an industrial preneutralizer reactor is performed, and the Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) approach is used. The effectiveness of the three SGS turbulent closures (Smagorinsky–Lilly model, Wall Adapting Local Eddy Viscosity (WALE) model, and the Algebraic Wall Modeled LES (WMLES) model) to predict the flow hydrodynamics and to capture the eddies near to high turbulent zones (in liquid injection point and in the turbine rotation zone) is assessed. The results show that the SGS model has a significant impact not only on the instantaneous flow field, but also on the time-average velocity magnitude, therefore the hydrodynamics of unsteady behaviour in turbulent chemical reactors is found to be significantly influenced by the choice of the SGS closure model.
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Key words
large-eddy large-eddy simulation,subgrid-scale,gas-liquid
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