Symptomatic Postoperative Compressive Pneumocephalus After Cholecystectomy.

Zaky Mehdi Benamar, Camille Huet, Maxime Rousseau, Léa Docquier,Emmanuel Andrès, Pascal Bilbault,Noel Lorenzo-Villalba

European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine(2023)

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A 75-year-old woman with a history of chronic hydrocephalus due to stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius was examined at the emergency department for altered mental status. There was placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt in 1970 complicated by meningitis, leading to removal of the material and ventriculociternostomy as definitive treatment in 2004. About one month previously, she had undergone a laparoscopic cholecystectomy complicated by an intra-abdominal collection. Clinical examination at the emergency department revealed a Glasgow score of 8 (E3 V1 M4). In the emergency department the patient presented a tonic-clonic seizure before a cerebral CT scan was performed showing a massive compressive pneumocephalus, then a second seizure. The patient was finally admitted to the neurosurgery department and underwent surgery. LEARNING POINTS:Changes in mental status in a patient with a history of chronic hydrocephalus should alert clinicians to a possible complication.This case reflects the delayed diagnosis of a critically ill patient in the emergency department.
symptomatic postoperative compressive pneumocephalus,cholecystectomy
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