Analysis for the Integration of the Toroidal Field Power Supply in the DTT Nuclear Fusion Facility

2023 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT)(2023)

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The Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) is an innovative effort aligned with the European Fusion Road Map. Backed by Enea and EUROfusion, it will be conducted at the Frascati Research Centre. The goal is to glean insights into diverse magnetic setups and components, all of which are based on liquid metals. These findings are crucial for finalizing the design of DEMO (DEMOnstration Power Plant), a pioneering nuclear fusion reactor prototype set to generate electricity for the grid. The study focuses on TFC (Toroidal Field Coils) power supply and introduces a Simulink model for performance simulation, aiding design, and sizing. These coils play a pivotal role in confining the plasma within the vacuum vessel, and thus, their power supply is of utmost importance. The model also assesses power requirements during TFC charging, offering valuable insights into power factor control methods.
Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT),nuclear fusion,toroidal field coils,power system,reactive power compensation
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