Germline mutation rate is elevated in young and old parents in Caenorhabditis remanei


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The effect of parental age on germline mutation rate across generations is not fully understood. While some studies report a positive linear relationship of mutation rate with increasing age, others suggest that mutation rate varies with age but not in a linear fashion. We investigated the effect of parental age on germline mutations by generating replicated mutation accumulation lines in Caenorhabditis remanei at three parental ages ("Young T1" [Day 1], "Peak T2" [Day 2], and "Old T5" [Day 5] parents). We conducted whole-genome resequencing and variant calling to compare differences in mutation rates after three generations of mutation accumulation. We found that Peak T2 lines had an overall reduced mutation rate compared to Young T1 and Old T5 lines, but this pattern of the effect varied depending on the variant impact. Specifically, we found no high-impact variants in Peak T2 lines, and modifiers and up- and downstream gene variants were less frequent in these lines. These results suggest that animals at the peak of reproduction have better DNA maintenance and repair compared to young and old animals. We propose that C. remanei start to reproduce before they optimize their DNA maintenance and repair, trading the benefits of earlier onset of reproduction against offspring mutation load. The increase in offspring mutation load with age likely represents germline senescence. Germline mutations play a key role in evolution through the generation of novel genotypes. Estimating the mutation rate in species, populations, and individuals is one way to understand the relative timeframe of evolutionary processes, for the timing of historical events and for estimating heritability of traits and diseases. Individual age at reproduction is known to affect the number of mutations being transferred into the next generation and generally mutation rate is thought to increase with increasing parental age. However, preventing mutations in germ cells is potentially costly and it may pay off to optimize germline genome repair and maintenance during peak reproductive periods, and relax it during nonpeak periods. This idea has been put forward to explain for example the reduction of gonad size in seasonally reproducing animals during nonreproductive periods and supported by the finding that the mutation rate seems to be higher in teenage men compared to men during their peak reproductive ages. We further tested this idea of a nonlinear relationship between age and mutation rate by performing a mutation accumulation experiment in a short-lived nematode. We kept experimental lines and allowed adults to reproduce at different ages in different lines, with some lines reproducing before, some during, and some after their reproductive peak. We found that mutation rates are higher in nematode lines reproducing before or after the reproductive peak compared to those reproducing during the peak. Our results therefore support the idea that germline genome maintenance and repair is potentially costly and that the mutation rate does not just increase with age but is optimized during the peak reproductive age of an organism.
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germline mutation rate,old parents
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