Efficiency of Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Methods on Software Logs


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Software log analysis can be laborious and time consuming. Time and labeled data are usually lacking in industrial settings. This paper studies unsupervised and time efficient methods for anomaly detection. We study two custom and two established models. The custom models are: an OOV (Out-Of-Vocabulary) detector, which counts the terms in the test data that are not present in the training data, and the Rarity Model (RM), which calculates a rarity score for terms based on their infrequency. The established models are KMeans and Isolation Forest. The models are evaluated on four public datasets (BGL, Thunderbird, Hadoop, HDFS) with three different representation techniques for the log messages (Words, character Trigrams, Parsed events). We used the AUC-ROC metric for the evaluation. The results reveal discrepancies based on the dataset and representation technique. Different configurations are advised based on specific requirements. For speed, the OOV detector with word representation is optimal. For accuracy, the OOV detector combined with trigram representation yields the highest AUC-ROC (0.846). When dealing with unfiltered data where training includes both normal and anomalous instances, the most effective combination is the Isolation Forest with event representation, achieving an AUC-ROC of 0.829.
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