Microbial biostimulant counteracts negative effects of herbicides on oilseed rape growth


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Use of herbicides in agriculture aids enormously the weed control. However, these products may also negatively affect both ecosystem and human health. As such the aim of this study was to analyze the effects of a herbicide containing the active substances clopyralid and picloram on the growth of oilseed rape cv. 'Visby' and to investigate the possibilities of using biologically active, environmentally friendly microbial biostimulants to accelerate plant growth and eliminate the adverse effects of herbicides. Biometrical parameters (aboveground plant height, dry plant weight) as well as biochemical markers (hydrogen peroxide production, total polyphenols concentration, antioxidant activity, lipid peroxidation level, photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and their ratio, carotenoids) were measured. The study showed that the herbicide containing clopyralid + picloram at doses recommended by the manufacturer showed a negative effect on oilseed rape growth. Microbial biostimulant "NaturGel" used prior to herbicide alleviated the damage of herbicide, moreover increased growth and development processes of tested plants, through serving as an activator of the non-enzymatic defence system. Thus, microbial biostimulant "NaturGel" is used to solve the problems of reducing herbicide use and increasing oilseed rape yields. Partially replacing herbicides with the microbial biostimulant "NaturGel", strengthens crop vitality, increases competitiveness with weeds, improves yield quality, and the sustainability of agricultural land use. This knowledge can be used to provide practical guidance for farmers to reduce the use of herbicides in agro-ecosystems and make a step-by-step transition towards organic farming, while it may also serve as information on side-effects of commonly used herbicides at recommended doses.
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Key words
Herbicide,Microbial biostimulant,Sustainable agriculture,Environmental physiology
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