Patent Foramen Ovale Closure for Nonstroke Indications

Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions(2023)

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The patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a flap or tunnel-like communication in the atrial septum present in 20% to 34% of the adult population. In most cases, it is a benign finding and poses no health risk. However, some PFOs may provide a conduit for bloodborne materials, such as thrombi, vasoactive substances, or air to pass into the systemic circulation causing a paradoxical embolus. PFOs have been linked with several clinical disease states including cryptogenic stroke, migraine headache, platypnea-orthodeoxia, and decompression illness. Percutaneous PFO closure provides a practical solution to the problem of PFO in carefully selected populations. Recent randomized control trials have demonstrated that PFO closure in patients with cryptogenic stroke is associated with reduced rates of recurrent stroke compared with medical therapy. This translated into a dramatic increase in the number of PFO closure procedures worldwide, primarily for the indication of cryptogenic stroke, with high procedural success and low complication rates. However, there are no randomized clinical trials available to support PFO closure in other clinical conditions. This article reviews potential indications, existing data, and management approaches for PFO closure in disorders other than cryptogenic stroke.
patent foramen ovale,indications
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