Two-region Perimeter Control Based on Risk-averse Model Predictive Control

Yuntao Shi,Ying Zhang,Xiang Yin,Meng Zhou, Guishuai Wang, Chonghao Bai


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The perimeter control is effective in alleviating traffic congestion. However, previous studies about perimeter control based on macroscopic fundamental diagram didn't consider the influences of the system uncertainty even though this uncertainty may lead to significant congestion. This paper presents a two-region perimeter control method based on a risk-averse model predictive control considering uncertainty. The advantage of this paper is that we design a risk index for uncertainty and design a controller which takes the risk index as an optimization objective. A scenario tree is used to model the uncertainty of the two-region dynamic equations. Average value at risk mapping is employed to calculate the systematic risk due to uncertainty. Then, the optimization objective of a multi-stage risk is used in MPC based on the scenario tree. Finally, the multi-stage risk is formulated as a solvable form. Simulation results show that the proposed perimeter control method reduces the total travel time of the two-region road network with uncertainty and significantly reduces traffic congestion compared to stochastic model predictive control method. Copyright (c) 2023 The Authors. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Average value-at-risk (AVaR),macroscopic fundamental diagram,perimeter control,risk-averse model predictive control
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