Palynostratigraphical review of the K-Pg boundary from the Ibero-Armorican Island: New data from the Maastrichtian dinosaur outcrop Veracruz 1 (Pyrenees, NE Iberian Peninsula)

P. Martinez de Espronceda,I. Rodriguez-Barreiro, M. Perez-Barreiro,B. Badenas, I. Canudo,E. Puertolas-Pascual,A. A. Santos,J. B. Diez


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The palynostratigraphy of the K-Pg boundary interval in SW Europe has been a subject of ongoing debate, despite numerous palynological studies in the region. To address this, we review previous publications and conduct analysis of new deposits to establish a palynostratigraphical chart. A total of 40 palynological studies within the Normapolles palynological province were reexamined to elucidate key taxa restricted to the Cretaceous (K-taxa), to the Maastrichtian-Danian interval (KPg-taxa) and those restricted to the Paleogene (Pg-taxa). Eventually, we propose 18 key taxa to differentiate a Maastrichtian from a Danian palynological assemblage within the Normapolles Province. Afterward, a palynostratigraphical analysis was carried out in Veracruz 1 (Aragonese Pyrenees), one of the more modern dinosaur bearing sites of Europe. The palynological assemblage corresponded to an upper Maastrichtian age and was composed by pteridophyte spores, gymnosperms, angiosperms, dinoflagellate cysts, algae, and fungal spores. It was predominated by angiosperm pollen (Liliaceae, post-Normapolles, and triporate pollen). The plant communities in Veracruz 1 seem to be characterized by plants from an open coastal forest prevailed by Liliaceae flowering herbs and Juglandaceae/Myricaceae dicotyledonous trees and shrubs thriving in temperate-warm paleoclimate. The Gondwanan botanical influence was also supported by the presence of Bacumorphomonocolpites sp., as this taxon was previously recorded in other upper Maastrichtian deposits from Europe.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Palynology,K-T boundary,K-Pg biostratigraphy,Palynological dating,Paleoecological reconstruction,SW Europe
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