Relationship of Hoarding and Depression Symptoms in Older Adults

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry(2023)

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•What is the primary question addressed by this study? The question addressed by the study must limited to only one sentence.This study assesses the rates, stability, and trajectories of clinically significant hoarding symptoms in older adults with depression (late-life depression).•What is the main finding of this study? The finding must be limited to two sentences.Hoarding symptoms were present in up to 33% of older adults with active depression in two independent cohorts. Hoarding severity was stable over time and did not co-vary with depression severity.•What is the meaning of the finding? The meaning of the finding must be limited to one sentence.Hoarding is a more common comorbidity in late life depression than previously suggested and should be considered in screening and management in this population, and the interaction of these conditions should be further characterized with attention to determining factors which may improve hoarding outcomes.
Late-life depression,major depressive disorder,hoarding disorder,Brain Health Registry,reliable change,stability analysis,trajectory analysis
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