A Linear-Time n 0.4 -Approximation for Longest Common Subsequence

ACM Transactions on Algorithms(2023)

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We consider the classic problem of computing the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) of two strings of length n . The 40-year-old quadratic-time dynamic programming algorithm has recently been shown to be near-optimal by Abboud, Backurs, and Vassilevska Williams [FOCS’15] and Bringmann and Künnemann [FOCS’15] assuming the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis. This has led the community to look for subquadratic approximation algorithms for the problem. Yet, unlike the edit distance problem for which a constant-factor approximation in almost-linear time is known, very little progress has been made on LCS, making it a notoriously difficult problem also in the realm of approximation. For the general setting, only a naive O ( n ɛ /2-approximation algorithm with running time OŠ ( n 2-ɛ has been known, for any constant 0 < ɛ ≤ 1. Recently, a breakthrough result by Hajiaghayi, Seddighin, Seddighin, and Sun [SODA’19] provided a linear-time algorithm that yields a O ( n 0.497956 -approximation in expectation; improving upon the naive \(O(\sqrt {n})\) -approximation for the first time. In this paper, we provide an algorithm that in time O ( n 2-ɛ ) computes an OŠ ( n 2ɛ/5 -approximation with high probability, for any 0 < ɛ ≤ 1. Our result (1) gives an OŠ ( n 0.4 -approximation in linear time, improving upon the bound of Hajiaghayi, Seddighin, Seddighin, and Sun, (2) provides an algorithm whose approximation scales with any subquadratic running time O ( n 2-ɛ ), improving upon the naive bound of O ( n ɛ/2 ) for any ɛ, and (3) instead of only in expectation, succeeds with high probability.
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Key words
longest common subsequence,linear-time
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