A Smart Intra-oral Wearable for Wireless Electroocoulogram Measurement

Han Cat Nguyen,Sharmistha Bhadra

2023 IEEE SENSORS(2023)

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Monitoring electrooculogram (EOG) signal alone is sufficient for accurate sleep-stage classification and thus can be useful for early diagnoses of many diseases. In this paper, we present a smart mouthguard that can monitor intra-oral EOG signals. The device acquires the EOG signal from the inner side and surroundings of the upper and lower lip areas. No previous work has reported intra-oral wearables for measuring EOG signals. The proposed smart mouthguard comprises of two sub-mouthguards, five soft conductive fabric electrodes, and an EOG measurement board implemented on a flexible substrate. The measurement system is battery-operated and sends EOG data wirelessly. The quality of the EOG signal acquired by the smart mouthguard is good enough to clearly determine and differentiate the processed intra-oral EOG signal patterns corresponding to different eye activities. With its comfort, low cost, and reliable wireless transmission, the EOG mouthguard has great potential for EOG-based sleep monitoring.
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Key words
electroocoulogram (EOG),smart mouthguard,flexible circuit,wireless,discrete wavelet transform (DWT)
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