Simulation and experimental study on secondary electron emission of magnesium oxide under electron incident

Lei Guo, Chunke Shi, Yilei He,Duoshu Wang

2023 24th International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC)(2023)

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The trajectory of electrons in magnesium oxide was simulated based on Dekker model, and the calculation model of the SEY was established according to the motion law of electrons in magnesium oxide. The influence law of different film thickness on the SEY was calculated and analyzed. The simulation results show that the maximum SEY of magnesium oxide is between 12.0-12.5 at the incident electron energy between 800eV and 1000eV. The SEY reaches its maximum at the thickness of film about 70-90nm. The variation trend of the simulation results and the experimental data is basically the same. The experimental test results show that the maximum SEY is about 9.5-10.2 at the incident electron energy between 400eV and 600eV. The maximum SEY is obtained at the thickness of film about 55-70nm. The above results can provide guidance for the preparation of high SEY magnesium oxide film.
secondary electron emission,magnesium oxide,electron incident,simulation,experiment
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