Oscillation Threshold in the Recirculating Planar Crossed-Field Amplifier

Christopher Swenson, Ryan Revolinsky, Emma Guerin, Y. Y. Lau,Nicholas Jordan,Ryan McBride,Ronald Gilgenbach

2023 24th International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC)(2023)

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The transition from amplifier to oscillator of the Recirculating Planar Crossed-Field Amplifier (RPCFA) is examined in simulation and experiment. Initially, the RPCFA is zero-drive stable and operates as a high power amplifier with an input signal. By changing the anode-cathode gap, the RPCFA can exhibit oscillations. We explore the cold-tube and beam-loaded device characteristics that cause the transition to oscillation.
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Amplifier,Oscillations,Radio Frequency,High Power Microwave,Slow Wave Structure
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