Tailoring Photon Pair Emission Characteristics Via Bi-Chromatic Excitation of an Integrated Nonlinear Cavity

2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)(2023)

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The photon pair generation (PPG) via spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM) in an optically excited third-order nonlinear cavity forms large-scale high-dimensional quantum states, called quantum frequency combs (QFC). The scalable practical generation and control of these photonic states via integrated devices enable quantum information processing for applications in secured communications and quantum computing [1]. Modifying the excitation field properties in different degrees of freedom, e.g., polarization [2], frequency or spatial modes [3], allows controlling the structure of the generated quantum state by favoring different types of SFWM processes. In this work, by using two excitation fields and varying their intensity, $P_{1}$ and $P_{2}$ , respectively, we demonstrate the occurrence of two different SFWM processes (degenerately and non-degenerately excited SFWM) and a control of the pair generation rate: $\mu(r,P)=\mu_{1}(P_{1}(r,P))+\mu_{2}(P_{2}(r,P))+\mu_{ND}(r,P)$ , where P is the total excitation power, $r=P_{1}/P$ is the power ratio, $\mu_{1},\mu_{2}$ describe the degenerate process and $\mu_{ND}$ the non-degenerate process.
bi-chromatic excitation,degenerately excited SFWM,excitation field properties,integrated devices,integrated nonlinear cavity,large-scale high-dimensional quantum states,nondegenerately excited SFWM,optically excited third-order nonlinear cavity,pair generation rate,photon pair emission characteristics,photon pair generation,photonic states,power ratio,quantum computing,quantum frequency combs,quantum information processing,quantum state,secured communications,spontaneous four-wave mixing,total excitation power
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