Light-Driven Attosecond Photoinjection in Germanium

2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)(2023)

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Achieving light control of ultrafast electron dynamics in matter is of utmost importance for technology and research [1]. Few-femtosecond (fs) light pulses can turn semiconductors into conductive states by injecting charge carriers from the valence (VB) to the conduction (CB) band, possibly realizing crucial milestones in quantum electronics such as ultrafast optical switches. Despite recent continuous efforts, light-initiated physical phenomena in realistic and technologically relevant semiconductors are not fully understood.
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attosecond transient reflectivity spectroscopy,carrier injection,charge injection,dimensionless parameter,field-driven photoinjection,Ge/el,light-driven attosecond photoinjection,light-matter interaction regime,monocrystalline intrinsic germanium,photoexcitation mechanism
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