Wireless Sensor Networks Face Challenges and Issues Related to Security

A. S. R. Sulthana,Ramapati Mishra,Rajesh Singh,Bhasker Pant, Shilpa Sachin Bhojne,Ch. Raghava Prasad

2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)(2023)

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WSNs have improved human lives in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, agribusiness, climate, transportation, and the military. WSNs are widely employed in surveillance, tracing, and regulating purposes, but their resource limitations provide additional difficulties. They are: centralized administration, heterogeneous devices, reactive routing, mobile nodes, data protection, and computing power limitations. Due to the size and scope of WSN, issues with routing algorithms, stability, connectivity, and authentication must be addressed. This study emphasizes the uses of WSNs, security needs, various attacks and responses, and current problems and difficulties. Additionally, a new set of difficulties are used to describe how virtualized, data storage, and Software Defined Networking (SDN) are integrated into WSNs. We feel that for students and academics concerned in WSN and associated technology, this article offers a comprehensive understanding and a useful blueprint.
Security,Wireless Network,WSN,SDN and Network Layer
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