Webcam Lighting Studio: A Framework for Real-Time Control of Webcam Lighting

Karan Gonagur,Shobhit Aggarwal, David Fillmore,Asis Nasipuri

SoutheastCon 2023(2023)

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We present the design of a multiuser networked wireless system to remotely configure and control the lighting of multiple webcam users at different locations. This system makes use of a Raspberry Pi and a wireless DMX transmitter as the wireless interface that can be used to control the DMX webcam lights. A lighting control software called OLA is used on the Raspberry Pi. A web interface is designed to issue commands to OLA API running on the Raspberry Pi to control DMX lights associated with Raspberry Pi. Multiple wireless interfaces, each for a specific user at a different location, can be simultaneously configured and managed using the web interface. The interactive web interface can be used to control the intensity and color of the DMX lights. The web interface follows a model controller view design and makes HTTP calls to the OLA software running on Raspberry pi. The proposed system enables an operator to provide optimum and artistic lighting effects for a group of online presenters.
webcam lighting,DMX,system design
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