Dynamic regulatory elements in single-cell multimodal data implicate key immune cell states enriched for autoimmune disease heritability.

Anika Gupta,Kathryn Weinand, Aparna Nathan,Saori Sakaue,Martin Jinye Zhang, Accelerating Medicines Partnership RA/SLE Program and Network,Laura Donlin,Kevin Wei,Alkes L Price,Tiffany Amariuta,Soumya Raychaudhuri

Nature genetics(2023)

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In autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system attacks the body's own cells. Developing a precise understanding of the cell states where noncoding autoimmune risk variants impart causal mechanisms is critical to developing curative therapies. Here, to identify noncoding regions with accessible chromatin that associate with cell-state-defining gene expression patterns, we leveraged multimodal single-nucleus RNA and assay for transposase-accessible chromatin (ATAC) sequencing data across 28,674 cells from the inflamed synovial tissue of 12 donors. Specifically, we used a multivariate Poisson model to predict peak accessibility from single-nucleus RNA sequencing principal components. For 14 autoimmune diseases, we discovered that cell-state-dependent ('dynamic') chromatin accessibility peaks in immune cell types were enriched for heritability, compared with cell-state-invariant ('cs-invariant') peaks. These dynamic peaks marked regulatory elements associated with T peripheral helper, regulatory T, dendritic and STAT1+CXCL10+ myeloid cell states. We argue that dynamic regulatory elements can help identify precise cell states enriched for disease-critical genetic variation.
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